What is Maycoon?

Maycoon is a modern framework for developing cross-platform Apps with beautiful UI and fast app logic. It is written in Rust and utilizes the GPU for optimal drawing operations.

What can I develop Apps for?

Right now, we only support Desktop platforms (macOS, linux, Windows and maybe more), but there are thoughts about making Maycoon Apps portable to the Web or other platforms.

Why use Rust?

Maycoon is coded in Rust for optimal performance. While not ideal for UI work, Rust is perfect for performance and efficient memory efficiency. We also think about making bindings to other languages like Python or C/C++.

Is this production ready?

Maycoon is still in its Beta Phase and won't get to its first real release soon, so it's definetely not production ready and breaking changes may occur at any moment. You may want to use this for experiments, but not for 'real' ready-to-ship Apps.

What are alternatives?

There are some nice UI frameworks to develop fast Apps in Rust. Notably egui or iced. If you want some Non-Rust alternatives, then you may be interested in Qt for C++, Python and other languages or Flutter for the Dart language.

When is this going to get production-ready?

We don't have a real ETA for the 1.0.0 Release, but you can always check out our Git Repo for the latest commits. If you want development to speed up, you can always contribute with code or just by giving us feedback on the latest changes.

Who develops Maycoon?

Maycoon is mainly developed by Mikail Plotzky and any Maycoon contributors. Feel free to join us on our journey and add your awesome code!

How does Maycoon work under the hood?

We use modern technology such as Modern GPU-powered Vector Graphics, async task execution and the Rust Programming language.

Is Maycoon free-to-use?

Maycoon is dual licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 License which makes it free to use for everyone. There is no price for awesome UIs. Just try it!