A Basic Counter App

The easiest way to learn about Maycoon is to start studying some examples. In this Tutorial we will find out how to create a basic counter App with increase and decrease buttons, as well as a text widget.


For creating a new project, see the Installation Guide.

We need to enable the macros feature, which is enabled by default, so you shouldn't worry about it.

The App

First we need to import the necessary items from the maycoon crate:

use maycoon::core::app::update::Update;
use maycoon::core::app::MayApp;
use maycoon::core::config::MayConfig;
use maycoon::core::layout::{AlignItems, Dimension, FlexDirection, LayoutStyle};
use maycoon::macros::{val, State};
use maycoon::math::Vector2;
use maycoon::widgets::button::Button;
use maycoon::widgets::container::Container;
use maycoon::widgets::text::Text;

struct MyState {
    count: i32,

fn main() {
        MyState { count: 0 },
                    |state: &mut MyState| {
                        state.count += 1;
                    |state: &mut MyState| {
                        state.count -= 1;
            Box::new(Text::new(val!(|state: &MyState| state.count.to_string()))),
        .with_layout_style(LayoutStyle {
            size: Vector2::<Dimension>::new(Dimension::Percent(1.0), Dimension::Percent(1.0)),
            flex_direction: FlexDirection::Column,
            align_items: Some(AlignItems::Center),

A Container widget draws and handles a collection of widgets specified as a Vector of Boxed Widgets. In our case, we need two buttons: Increase and decrease to manipulate our counter value.

We use the val!() macro to automatically create a Val from a closure.

For the two buttons, we need to define Updates to apply updates to the App.

The Update::DRAW constant tells the App to only re-draw and not re-layout the App surface.

The with_layout_style function applies a custom layout which centers the widgets in our case.

Running the App

To launch the App, you can run cargo run.

You should see a window with "Increase" and "Decrease" buttons along with a text pop up.